Deep Learning - Image processing with VGG16 and Keras for house price prediction
Deep learning is a widely used method for image processing. Deep learning uses neural networks to extract features from images, and...
Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Yelp Reviews
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is widely used technique that is about the interactions between human languages and computer. Voice...
Hand motion prediction - Part 2
Classification modeling for hand gesture prediction
Hand motion prediction - Part 1
Classification modeling for hand gesture prediction
Used car price prediction - Part 3
We will work on minimizing the prediction error. I found 3 things that we need to consider from the raw data. Let's look at our raw data...
Used car price prediction - Part 2
Let's open a pickled file from Part 1, and build a linear regression model. You can open saved file with >>> df2=pd.read_pickle('used_car...
Used car price prediction - Part 1
Was it a fair trade? My wife sold her car to her brother this year. She did some quick research on the used car market and gave him some...
Python pandas DataFrame - Tutorial 2
Group by pandas has 'groupby' function that it will group the data by any categorical values, and it can be used with numerical...
Python pandas DataFrame - Tutorial 1
Python pandas help users manage data in an easy and efficient way. When I was a newbie for python, I managed data in lists. I had about...
Does how many people take subway in NYC?
Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) reported that 8.55 million people live in NYC and MTA serves about 2.7 billion trips every...