Used car price prediction - Part 3
We will work on minimizing the prediction error. I found 3 things that we need to consider from the raw data. Let's look at our raw data...
Used car price prediction - Part 2
Let's open a pickled file from Part 1, and build a linear regression model. You can open saved file with >>> df2=pd.read_pickle('used_car...
Used car price prediction - Part 1
Was it a fair trade? My wife sold her car to her brother this year. She did some quick research on the used car market and gave him some...
Python pandas DataFrame - Tutorial 2
Group by pandas has 'groupby' function that it will group the data by any categorical values, and it can be used with numerical...
Python pandas DataFrame - Tutorial 1
Python pandas help users manage data in an easy and efficient way. When I was a newbie for python, I managed data in lists. I had about...